Hello beautiful, busy celebrant ♡

Hello beautiful, busy celebrant ♡

You are so welcome in this space!

I know you are here because you want to save time, grow your business and create an exceptional client experience…

But you’re feeling super overwhelmed with aaaaaall the admin and just want everything in one place!

My Celebrant is the only business management platform built specifically for celebrants 🔥🔥🔥 

It’s designed to save you time by automating and streamlining backend management processes - and to help your couples feel like VIPs through its collaborative planning space. GAME-CHANGER!

So, what is it?

My Celebrant is an online platform that takes care of every little thing you and your couples do while planning their wedding ceremony together. Couples easily lock you in with contract, invoice and payment in one place, then stay on track with a personalised to-do list of upcoming tasks and deadlines.

To save time, My Celebrant automatically shares your questionnaires, guides and documentation for you. Use the chat box for cheeky DMs (no annoying email threads here!) and receive notifications of new messages and updates. Too easy!

Accessible anywhere, any time on your internet connected device, simply log in on your desktop or download our handy app - and voilà!

Everything in one place to manage your business.

How good!?

P.S. My Celebrant is live (and loved!) in Australia and New Zealand.

How do I know My Celebrant is right for me?

If you have a to-do list as long as your arm with notes all over the place and you’re worried you’re going to miss a deadline… 🫠

If you’re communicating across multiple platforms and it’s really hard to keep track of everything… 😬

If you’re sick of doing the same tasks over and over again - manually sharing contracts, invoices, questionnaires… 🤦

If you’re tired of sending reminders, chasing couples to get sh*t done and answering the same old questions… 🥴

My Celebrant automates, simplifies and streamlines your backend management processes so you can save time, grow your business and create an exceptional client experience.

Hello, my friend.

I’m so stoked you’re here!

My name is Vic - wife, mama of two tiny humans, marriage celebrant and founder of My Celebrant. I have a sea soul, love yoga, and settling in with a good book and a cup of tea (when the smalls allow!).

Shortly after becoming a marriage celebrant in 2019, I quickly identified there must be a better way of managing my business. I wanted to save time, grow my business and create an exceptional experience for my couples. Most importantly though, I wanted space to feel present in my life.

I asked myself…

How can I simplify, streamline and automate my workflow? 

How can I have the time, energy and space to commit to my clients? 

How can I have my dream lifestyle?

I couldn’t find a platform that met all of my needs as a celebrant, so I decided to create one. How bloody good!? (Or batsh*t crazy, haven’t decided yet) 😂

I truly believe in the power of what My Celebrant offers you, your business, and your lifestyle - because I experience it, every day.

I can’t wait to get to know you and your story x

Celebrant huge grin

P.S. I am NOT the ‘tech guy’ 🤣

I'm the 'creative'... the one whose face you'll see splashed across Instagram and the one who responds to your questions and suggestions. I work with a software developer. We met when he and his now-wife booked me to be their celebrant, waaaay back in 2019. Their marriage licence rolled across my desk and I happened to notice his occupation... Must have been fate! 

Why does this matter to you? 

I want you to know that security is paramount to us - which is why I have an actual 'tech guy' who is all over it. He's been doing this for years and he knows his sh*t. 

We are the DREAM TEAM!

Rave Reviews.